Transport Options

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Pensioners & Veterans

Australian residents with a current Pensioner Concession Card from any Australian state or territory are eligible for a concession fare. Dependents listed on the card do not receive a concession fare.

The Pensioner Concession Card is issued by Centrelink, Commonwealth Department of Human Services or the Commonwealth Department of Veterans’ Affairs.


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Qld Rail Station Access Guide

Queensland Rail’s Station Access Guide provides our customers with information about the level of access and specific facilities at every Citytrain network station.

View the guide online here:

Text messaging service for customers with disabilities:

Queensland Rail provides a 24/7 text messaging service for customers who require assistance.

By sending an SMS to 0428 774 636, you can contact a Queensland Rail Customer Communications Officer to obtain train and platform assistance, and information on station accessibility, lift outages and timetables.

Click here

Open Link

Taxi Subsidy Scheme and Lift Payment

The Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS) subsidises taxi travel—half of the total fare, up to a maximum of $25 per trip—for people with severe disabilities.

See the website for further details on the subsidy and eligibility.

Dept of Transport and Main Roads

1300 134 755

TransLink Access Pass

The TransLink Access Pass is a travel pass for people with a permanent physical or intellectual disability who can:

  • travel independently on TransLink services, and
  • demonstrate that due to their disability they are unable to independently use a go card.

Passholders receive unlimited travel on all South East Queensland TransLink bus, train, ferry and tram services (except Airtrain).

You are required to carry the card with you all at times when travelling, as you may be asked by a driver or authorised person to show your card.

There is no need to touch on and off like a go card.


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Vision Impairment Travel Pass

Vision Impairment Travel Pass (VITP) holders can travel on all TransLink services (excluding Airtrain) and regional qconnect bus services for free.

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